Formula: (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6 Zn:Cu ratio is about 5:2, but may approach 2:1.
Species: Carbonates
Colour: Pale green, sky blue, or greenish blue; colourless to light shades of blue or green in transmitted light
Lustre: Silky, Pearly
Hardness: 1 – 2
Specific Gravity: 3.96
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Name: A sage noted that the Aurichalcum (Latinized version of the Greek ορείχαλκος – “mountain copper”) of the ancients was “cuivre de Corinthe”, yellow copper or brass; in 1839, Th. Böttger named the mineral accordingly, in allusion to its copper and zinc content, the constituents of brass.
Type Locality: Loktevskoye Mine (Loktevskii Mine), Upper Loktevka River, Altai Krai, Russia
A secondary mineral in copper and zinc deposits, aurichalcite is typically found as blue or green crusts or mats of tiny acicular crystals, often as feathery, tufted, druzes; more rarely it is found as columnar crystal aggregates or crusts of either lamellar aggregates or as granular aggregates.